
19. July 2024
Our paper, titled "A Dataset of GDPR Compliant NER for Privacy Policies" was accepted for presentation at 6th International Open Search Symposium (#ossym24), 9-11 October 2024.

02. July 2024
Our newest paper, "Beyond Benchmarks: Evaluating Embedding Model Similarity for Retrieval Augmented Generation Systems" will be presented at SIGIR ’24 (July 14–18, 2024, Washington D.C., USA).

02. May 2024
Ramona Kühn and Jelena Mitrović's paper, titled "The Elephant in the Room: Ten Challenges of Computational Detection of Rhetorical Figures" was accepted at the Fourth Workshop on Figurative Language Processing, in conjunction with NAACL 2024 (June 21, 2024, Mexico City).

03. April 2024
Get ready for an epic AI showdown at The Tensor Tournament T3 on May 4th 2024! Registration for the first Bavaria-wide Tensor Tournament is open.

05. March 2024
Ramona Kühn presented our work, titled "Status Quo der Entwicklungen von Ontologien Rhetorischer Figuren in Englisch, Deutsch und Serbisch" at Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (26.02 — 01.03.2024, Passau, Germany).

21. February 2024
Ramona Kühn's paper, titled "Using Pre-Trained Language Models in an End-to-End Pipeline for Antithesis Detection" is accepted at LREC-COLING 2024 (20-25 May, 2024, Torino, Italy).

16. January 2024
Sathish Purushothaman's paper, titled "A Framework for Studying Communication Pathways in Machine Learning-Based Agent-to-Agent Communication" is accepted at 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART, 24-26 February 2024, Italy).

27. November 2023
Khouloud Saadi's paper, titled "Intra-Class Similarity-Guided Feature Distillation" is accepted at The third NeurIPS workshop on Efficient Natural Language and Speech Processing (ENLSP, 16.12.2023, New orleans).

13. November 2023
Our paper, "Challenges and Considerations in Annotating Legal Data: A Comprehensive Overview" was accepted for the workshop on Annotation of Legal Data at JURIX 2023.

10. November 2023
Our paper, titled "Status Quo der Entwicklungen von Ontologien Rhetorischer Figuren in Englisch, Deutsch und Serbisch" was accepted for presentation at DHd-Jahreskonferenz PASSAU 2024 (26.02.2024 – 01.03.2024).

07. November 2023
Ramona Kühn presented her work, titled "ESTHER: Ontology of Rhetorical Figures in English" at 9th Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO 2023).

31. October 2023
Khouloud Saadi's paper, titled "Learn From One Specialized Sub-Teacher: One-to-One Mapping for Feature-Based Knowledge Distillation" is accepted at EMNLP-Findings.

07. October 2023
Dinzinger et al. presented a paper in OSSYM 2023 (held in CERN, Geneva), with the title "OWler: Preliminary results for building a Collaborative Open Web Crawler".

07. October 2023
Al-Maamari et al. presented a paper in OSSYM 2023 (held in CERN, Geneva), with the title "A Comprehensive Dataset for Webpage Classification".

07. August 2023
Granitzer et al. published a paper in The Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, with the title "Impact and development of an Open Web Index for open web search".

08. July 2023
Our paper titled Exploring Semantic Similarity Between German Legal Texts and Referred Laws has been published in the Springer's Communications in Computer and Information Science book series.

07. July 2023
Our paper with the title "Learn From One Specialized Sub-Teacher: One-to-One Mapping for Feature-Based Knowledge Distillation" has been accepted at the ICML 2023 conference.

3. April 2023
Our paper with the title "A Dataset of German Legal Reference Annotations" has been accepted at the ICAIL conference in Portugal.

13. March 2023
The abstract "Multilingual Domain Ontologies of Rhetorical Figures and Their Applications", written by Ramona Kühn and Jelena Mitrović, has been accepted for the first general meeting of the UniDive COST action, taking place from the 16th to 17th March 2023 in Paris.

02. March 2023
Jelena Mitrović is an invited speaker at the Women in Data Science (WiDS) event that takes place on May 25th in Regensburg.

02. February 2023
The article "European Web Search Index Could Bring Greater Transparency to the Internet" published on Research in Bavaria talks about Open Web Search's goal of developing a search index prototype suited for a research and innovation infrastructure.

01. February 2023
Our paper titled German BERT Model for Legal Named Entity Recognition has been accepted at the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), which will be held from the 22. -24.02.23 in Lisbon, Portugal

12. December 2022
Our paper titled Hidden in Plain Sight: Can German Wiktionary and Wordnets Facilitate the Detection of Antithesis? has been accepted at the Global Wordnet Conference (GWC), which will be held from the 23. -27.01.23 in Donostia, Spain

01. December 2022
Ramona Kühn presented her current work at the event KI Campus Ostbayern: AI-Talk for PhDs and doctoral candidates, she also helped with organizing.

11. November 2022
Our paper with the title "A Concept for Automated Polarized Web Content Annotation based on Multimodal Active Learning" has been published on Interactive Adaptive Learning (IAL).

24. October 2022
Our paper with the title "Towards A Unified Multilingual Ontology For Rhetorical Figures" has been presented at the KEOD conference in Valletta

11. October 2022
Jelena Mitrović presented the paper "Open Web Search for AI and NLP in Europe" at the OSSYM symposium (CERN, Geneva)

22. September 2022
The project officially kicked off in Berlin!

19. September 2022
Our paper titled "A Concept for Automated Polarized Web Content Annotation based on Multimodal Active Learning" has been presented at the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2022). Read the paper here.

15. September 2022
Our PhD student Ramona Kühn is involved in the organisation of a PhD workshop in Regensburg at the 1st December 2022. Invited are PhD students from the Eastern Bavarian universities working on in the filed of artificial intelligence. More information and registration.

09. August 2022
We are very excited to share that the CAROLL Group and the Chair of Data Science are part of the new OpenWebSearch.EU project. Over the next three years, we will develop the core of a European Open Web Index (OWI) as a basis for a new Internet Search in Europe. Read more about our involvement here.

23. June 2022
Dr. Jelena Mitrović is an invited speaker at the 8th International ScaDS.AI Summer School 2022 where she will give a lecture on the ‘Computational Rhetoric Approach to Solving Complex NLP Tasks’ on July 12th.

23. June 2022
Ramona Kühn presented our paper "GRhOOT: Ontology of Rhetorical Figures in German" at the LREC2022 conference .

20. June 2022
Jelena Mitrović gave an interview in the Morning show of the National television of Serbia (Jutarnji program RTS-s) about the LaMbda Language model and its potential.

29. April 2022
Dr. Jelena Mitrović gave a talk on the research we do in our CAROLL group at the AI Seminar of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics.

08. April 2022
Dr. Jelena Mitrović gave a talk at the PasDas Symposium.

04. March 2022
Dr. Jelena Mitrović is an invited speaker at the PasDas Summit 2022 where she will give a talk on ‘Abusive Language Detection in Social Media’ and also present our research group CAROLL.

10. January 2022
Ramona Kühn presented on the 10th January 2022 the Poster Computational Rhetoric in Social Media and Law - CAROLL on the 2022 All-Hands-Meeting of the BMBF-funded AI Research Projects that was hosted by the Munich Center for Machine Learning.

28. September 2021
In a collaboration between Data Science Chair/CAROLL (with Prof.Dr. Michael Granitzer, Dr. Jelena Mitrovic, Mehdi Ben Amor), Regiothek (with Alexander Treml, Bastian Kühnel, Britta Biskup), and CENTOURIS (with Franziska Kellener, Dr. Stefan Mang, Judith von Minden), the project ‘SMAEG Bot für regionale Lebensmittel’ officialy started and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture BMEL. The project aims to make the market for regional food products more transparent and to reduce the marketing effort for the involved parties. Link to the press release.

06. July 2021
Dr. Jelena Mitrović gave a talk about Neural Language Models for Abusive Language Detection at The AI Seminar organized by the Mathematical Institure of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

22. June 2021
Dr. Jelena Mitrović gave a Keynote Speech at The French-German Summerschool on AI with Industry 2021 organized by the University of Passau, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay and with the support from Siemens AI Lab.

21. June 2021
Ramona Kühn and Tobias Milz submitted two posters on their research, Fantastic Figures and How To Find Them and Analysis of a German Legal Citation Network, in the context of the 2021 French-German Summer-school on Artificial Intelligence with Industry.

28. April 2021
Dr. Jelena Mitrović has participated in 10 Minuten Soziologie zum Thema Stress, 10 Minuten Rechtswissenschaft zum Thema Digitalisierung. For the recorded session, use this link.

19. March 2021
Our Paper Automated identification of bias inducing words in news articles using linguistic and context-oriented features was accepted for publication at the Information Processing and Management Journal.

05. March 2021
Our Paper Multi-word Expressions for Abusive Language Detection in Serbian was accepted for publication at the MWE-LEX Workshop, collocated with COLING.

22. January 2021
Our paper Towards Classifying Parts of German Legal Writing Styles in German Legal Judgments was accepted for publication at the ACIT 2020 IEEE conference.

21. January 2021
Our paper Language Proficiency Scoring was accepted for publication at the LREC 2020 conference in the the first edition of the REPROLANG track.

16. January 2021
Our paper I Feel Offended, Don’t Be Abusive! Implicit/Explicit Messages in Offensive and Abusive Language was accepted at theMain track of the LREC 2020 conference. The corresponding dataset can be found in the GitHub repository.

08. December 2020
Our paper was accepted for publication at the ICAART 2020 conference Cognitive Modeling in Computational Rhetoric: Litotes, Containment and the Unexcluded Middle, Jelena Mitrović, Cliff O’Reilly, Randy Allen Harris, Michael Granitzer

30. November 2020
A written article on CAROLL by Katrina Jordan that was published on Research in Bavaria and idw-Informationsdienst Wissenschaft.

19. November 2020
CAROLL research group leader Prof. Dr. Mitrović did an interview with the University’s Digital Research Magazine.

19. Juni 2020
An article by the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and DLR Projektträger on the Promotion of Women in AI with an overview of all the projects supported by this movement.